Staff ICT Support form:Staff device issues
Enter your details on the above linked form to report any ICT issues you are having in the classroom or on your device. Please give as much detail as possible about the issue. Support will follow via email from Ms Confrey & Ms Kelly.
Digital Learning in Colaiste Pobail Setanta
Colaiste Pobail Setanta began its 1-1 digital journey in 2014 when our staff began using Microsoft Surface devices in lessons. This progressed the following year to our first year group to use 1-1 devices. Initially, students used a Surface 3 device but as we have grown and developed, we have extended our devices to include Surface devices, HP devices & Lenovo devices. This has allowed us to maximise the potential of our 1:1 programme through the creation of a personalised educational experience. 1-1 devices allow staff and students to engage in collaborative, innovative, real-world learning.
All members of staff are encouraged to engage with relevant ICT training throughout the school year through external providers such as Microsoft (Microsoft Learn), PDST Technology in Education webinars & courses, Nearpod training, etc. Training is also provided internally through the Digital Learning Committee & through examples of good practice shared within our Staff Sharepoint.
In 2020, the college achieved the Digital Schools Award. The Digital Schools Awards is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in schools. Through a rigourous process that involved teachers, students, Digital Leaders and management, the college was accredited with the Digital Schools Award in December 2020.
Teachers in the college utilise a variety of teaching & learning tools to enhance and improve learning across all subject areas. Below are some of the apps & tools used by teachers & students;