Our Learning Code
Learning is the most important activity in this College. You are here to learn. So are other students. If you interrupt learning, you will be given a Reminder Note or a Report Note and extra work to do:
Green Reminder Notes: (first one or two times only)
- Coming late to class
- Student device not charged
- Coming to class without the correct books/copies/equipment/uniform
- Coming to class without the correct homework completed and in class to show your teacher
Amber Report Notes: Please note that a student’s behaviour may warrant a Report Note being issued in the first instance
- Talking/messing/interrupting learning after being asked to stop
- Disrespectful language or behaviour
- Reminder Note work not completed/presented
- Not co-operating with College Staff
- Continuing to come to school without full uniform
- Inappropriate use/misuse of Student Personal Device (See Acceptable Use Policy)
Red Suspension Notes: issued by Yearheads to students “On Report” whose behaviour warrants a Report Note.
Report Stages |
Positive Behaviour
Stage 1
- 5 Reminder Notes + extra work
- Behaviour Review Form to fill out at home
- 5 Report Notes + extra work
- On Report for 10 days
- 5 Suspension Notes while “On Report” - 1 day suspension
Positive Behaviour:
- Blue Merit note in journal
- Positive comment by tutor in journal
- Merit awarded in journal
- Phone call to/Meeting with parent/guardian
- Cards posted home
- Student of the Month/Class of the Month
Stage 2
- 5 Reminder Notes + extra work
- 5 Report Notes + extra work
- Meeting with parent/guardian
- Meeting with Behaviour Team to discuss behaviour
- On Report for 10 days
- 5 Suspension Notes while “On Report” – 2 day suspension
Student Supports:
- Learning Report
- Individual Behaviour/Organisation Plan
- Tutor Review
- Merit Competitions/Student of the Month
- Learning Support teachers
- Language Support teachers
- Guidance Counsellor
- Homework Club
- Meitheal
- Supervised Study
- Fit Club
Stage 3
- 5 Reminder Notes + extra work
- 5 Report Notes + extra work
- On Report for 10 days
- Meetings with parent /guardian every week to review Reports
- 5 Suspension Notes while “On Report” – 3-day suspension
- Your file may be referred to the Board of Management
Student Awards
- Certificates of Excellence in every subject
- Díogras Awards
- Yearhead Awards
- Meitheal Award
- Misneach Awards
- Spirit of Setanta Awards
- Academic Achievement Awards
- Sports Star of the Year Awards
- Students of the Year Award
Stage 4:
- 5 Reminder Notes + extra work
- 5 Report Notes + extra work
- On Report for 10 days
- Meetings with parent/guardian
- 5 Suspension Notes while “On Report” – 4 day suspension
- Your file will be brought to the Board of Management.
- You may be asked to leave the college (Suspension/Expulsion)
Stage 4: Suspension/Expulsion:
- Refusal to co-operate with a staff member
- Gross disrespect to any member of the college community
- Fighting
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Bringing illegal substances into the college
- Bullying
- Inappropriate/Unsafe/Intimidating Behaviour
- Inappropriate use of Student Personal Devices
- Any behaviour which threatens the safety, security and learning environment of the College.
Procedures for Detention:
Late detention:
Detention may be used in cases where a student is late for school either in the morning or after lunch. Each time a student reports late for school, they will receive a late stamp in their journal, for parents/guardians’ information. If a student is late twice or more in one week, they will be placed on detention that week. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be advised of the date and duration of detention by Tutor/Year-Head. They will be given extra school work to do during that period.
Who to contact about Behaviour Matters
Parents/guardians may contact the following staff members in case of a concern about behaviour matters:
- Class tutor
- Year-Head
- Deputy Principal
- Principal
- Guidance Counsellor
- Learning Support/Language Support staff