Lámh supports communication - between parents and child, between siblings, between friends. It can be a stepping stone to communicating with the world. Lámh is a manual sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability and communication needs in Ireland.
Colaiste Pobail Setanta will be engaging as a whole school with Lámh.
We want all students & Staff to be able to know 'hello and goodbye' and use it as often as possible. This means promoting and showcasing around the school 2 words per two week rotas. These words and timelines would be as follows:
S2 Week 6 & 7: Hello/Goodbye.
S2 Week 8 & 9: Thank You/Please.
S2 Week 10 &11: Yes/No(not).
S3 Week 1 & 2: Happy (Good)/Sad (Bad).
S3 Week 3 & 4: Coat & Bag.
S3 Week 5 & 6: Ready/My name is
There will be active engagement and regular use of Hello-Goodbye. These words will also be on the Electronic screens during these weeks.
Colaiste Pobail Setanta is setting up Lámh Ambassadors & a Lámh Committee (Students of CPS, could be prefects, mentors, Student council or any student who wants to get involved) who would volunteer to promote Lámh in Setanta. This would mean learning the signs, showcasing it at assemblies, helping showcase them in classes and would finally introduce these basic words into the local community.
The words and video links can be accessed and practised from below:
Hello (30) Lámh Sign For Hello - YouTube
Goodbye (30) Goodbye - LAMH sign - YouTube
Thank You (30) Thank You Lámh Sign - YouTube
Please (30) Lámh Sign For Please - YouTube
Yes (30) Yes - LAMH sign - YouTube
No/Not (30) Not - LAMH sign - YouTube
Happy/Good (30) Lámh Sign For HAPPY - YouTube
Sad/bad (30) Everybody Feels Sad - LÁMH Signs - YouTube
Coat (30) Lámh Sign For COAT - YouTube
Bag (30) Bag - YouTube
Ready (30) Lámh Sign For READY - YouTube
My name is (30) Lámh Sign For Name - YouTube