A message from the Principal

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”
WB Yeats (1865-1939)
These are poignant words of wisdom. Education must open the mind of a child, nurture their innate creativity, while fostering self respect, respect for others and their environment. Education must shape and develop an informed conscience, critical thinking and the moral courage to stand for what is fair and just. This is a tall order indeed, especially considering the frailties of human nature. However, let us strive for the idea.
Coláiste Pobail Setanta is part of the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board and was established in 2008. Since our journey began, we have grown to become a vibrant, caring community that supports our students as they endeavor to live out our core values of Bród, Misneach and Meitheal, both in our College and in their homes. Coláiste Pobail Setanta strives to deliver a modern education experience that has been the cornerstone of our college since its foundation.
Coláiste Pobail Setanta is a learning community where our students are challenged to pursue their highest standards of achievement and academic excellence. Our community embraces diversity while fostering respect, equality and integrity. We recognise that everyone is unique and has a positive contribution to make to the overall educational experience.
Coláiste Pobail Setanta is ‘our college’, where our children come from our families, to be taught by our teachers, in our community; where lifelong friendships are formed, achievements are celebrated and disappointments are comforted.
As Principal of Coláiste Pobail Setanta, I am very proud of what we have become and what we endeavor to achieve. I am proud of our teachers, our students, our families and those in our wider community who ignited and rekindled the fire that burns so brightly today.
Liam Walsh - Principal